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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


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Role Models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




Lesson 2#    Activity 2.1 : Research Report on Emily Pauline Johnson

Internet Directions:  Research the following website and complete the questions.


  1. When and where was E. Pauline Johnson born?

  2. What is her family history?

  3. What First Nation reserve did Pauline grow up on?  What did she learn to do before she could write?

  4. Did Pauline's grandfather John "Smoke"Johnson have an influence on her?

  5. What did Pauline do in order to make a living?

  6. What did Pauline begin in 1882?

  7. What did she do to attract crowds?

  8. What reputation did Pauline earn when she published the books of poetry the White Wampum (1895), Canadian Born (1903) and flint and Feather (1912)?

  9. What types of stories did she write?  For whom?

  10. What do you find interesting about Emily Pauline Johnson?

  11. Would you consider her to be a role model?  Why or why not?