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Saskatchewan Indian Federated College

Department of Indian Education

First Nations and Metis Curriculum Units -

Series II

Canada's Digital Collections program
Industry Canada


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Role Models

Traditional Plants

Dances of First Nations




                     First Nation and Metis Role Models Unit Overview                                                                                         





Lesson 1
Language Arts and
Social Studies

Introduction to Role Models

1 class

Students' will:

- develop an awareness of the many people in the different areas of work and recreation and how they may be recognized as role models.


1. Discussion
2. Observation checklist
3. Participation
4. Portfolio -Role Model                     question sheet
Lesson 2
Language Arts and
Social Studies

Biography of Emily Pauline Johnson


1 class

Students' will:

- discover though research that Metis women may be recognized as role models.
1. Discussion
2. Observation checklist
3. Participation
4. Portfolio- question sheet                     on E.P.Johnson
Lesson 3
Language Arts and
Social Studies

Biography of Emily Carr


Students' will:

- identify 'Emily Carr' as a role model.

1. Discussion
2. Observation checklist
3. Participation
4. Portfolio-worksheet            on Emily Carr.
Lesson 4
Language Arts and
Social Studies

Biographies on factual and fictional role models

2-3 classes

Students' will:

-identify role models that can be fictional and factual.

1. Discussion
2. Observation checklist
3. Participation
4. Portfolio- question sheets
Lesson 5
Language Arts and
Social Studies

Biographies on factual and fictional role models (part II)

2-3 classes

Students' will:

-research and record information about two different role models.

1. Discussion
2. Observation checklist
3. Participation
4. Portfolio- question sheets



Common Essential Learnings

Saskatchewan Education (1988) promotes the enhancement of instruction and student
learning through the Common Essential Learnings (CEL'S). The CEL'S encourage the
understanding of values, skills and processes both in and outside of the classroom. Each
of the following areas are represented in our units to assist the teacher-student
relationship. CEL'S include the following:

Critical and Creative Thinking
Personal Social Values and Skills
Independent Learning
Technological Literacy

For additional information about the CEL'S, check: