history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Community
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
The role of Somali women in the home has somewhat changed in Canada. Redefinition of traditional and cultural roles have merged, in which Somali men were the breadwinners and women the homemakers. Women and female relatives assumed most of the housework and childbearing duties. Men were the heads of households, and took most of the financial responsibilities.   

Due to the breakdown of the traditional support systems that were available in Somalia, abusive relationships among married couples as well as between parents and children are increasing in the Somali community. There are increasing incidents of violence within families. However, the lives of Somali women revolve around their families. Political, social and economic concerns are dealt within the presence of all family members.   

Unlike Canadian women, Somali women live in extended families. They mainly take care of their elderly parents as well as their children and relatives. The sociological term for these women is the "Sandwich Generation".   

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