History of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Islam and It's role in the Somali Community
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Community
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
A SENSE OF BELONGING - Somali Settlement Experiences in Canada. This site was created by Somali youth living in the Metro Toronto area. The material in this project is concerned with documenting the historical background of Somalis and areas where they have settled in Canada; the differences between nomadic cultures and life in Canada in terms of issues related to housing, jobs, education; the role of women in Islamic culture who immigrate and the experiences of becoming accustomed to Western life and values.  

Patterns of immigration have created the Canada that we know today and it is always necessary to inform and educate about new groups that arrive here from different parts of the world. Somalis came here because of Canada's reputation as a multi-ethnic and multicultural society which has given this community a space to create new lives.  The Somali community comes from a rich cultural heritage and Canada's role in providing support to refugees is explored and disseminated through collected research and the stories of the people concerned. The settlement experiences of the Somali community, told through their perspective, serves to document material that previously existed only within the community itself.  

The material in this site comes from the work done by the Somali Immigrant Aid Organization, with the support of municipal, provincial and federal government programs as well as other foundations.  The Somali Immigrant Aid Organization  is a non-profit organization that is committed to addressing the immigration, education, health, social, cultural, and economic development needs of  Somali-Canadians and other immigrants in Canada.  

The site can  be  used as a teaching aid to better inform and educate the public about issues of concern to the community and to highlight and showcase the tremendous talent and creativity that these "new pioneers" bring to Canada. The approach of combining content, meaningful and relevant to people's lives, and the development of new technological skills for youth is a unique approach to training and community development, and makes the experience of learning these skills more accessible and meaningful to people.  

 Team Credits
Team Members
Huda Abdulle 
Abdirahman Dini
Abdullahi Gabayre
Hodan Mohamed
Hodan Xirsi
Youth project manager 
Said Yussuf

Special Thanks
Mahad Yusuf, Executive Director, Somali Immigrant Aid Organization
Mohamed Tabit:  President, Somali Immigrant Aid Organization 
Faduma Alim:  Community Elder and Activist
Carol Auld, Consultant and Project Management - ArtBytes Multimedia Art and Learning Program, Vaughan Road Academy
Jill Sanders:  Head, Art Department and Interactive Digital Education for the Arts, Vaughan Road Academy
 Pat Shaughnessey: Superintendent of Community Services, Toronto District School Board, York Division, 

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Index  Page
This digital collection  was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collection Program, Industry Canada.