history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
Once upon a time there was a man named Juha.  He had one donkey,  and every day he and his donkey would take a walk.  One day Juha was sitting on a tree and he started cutting the branch he was sitting on.  Then a man walking in the street saw him and told him that if he would cut  the branch he would fall on the ground.  Juha said to the man: “you don't know what happens in the future. Only Allah knows that”. The man said: “You will see!” and  he left.   

After Juha finished cutting the branch that he was sitting on, he fell to the ground and realized that the man was right.  After he fell,  Juha thought to himself  "Maybe the man knew  everything.  Juha ran after the man and asked him, “When am I going  to die?”   “ You will die the day your donkey screams and his tail goes up,”  the man replied.  

The  rest of the day Juha was preparing for his  death and was waiting for the screams of his  donkey.  When it was sunset,  his donkey screamed and the tail went up.  Once Juha heard that, he slept under a big tree and covered himself with a white sheet believing that he was going to die.  A man who had lost his way came across Juha sleeping under the tree and asked him for  directions.  Juha said : “When I was alive, I used to take that street”.   

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