history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
This is the Somali Alphabet and each letter's pronunciation is beside it.
Somali Alphabet  Pronunciation
T (Ta)
J (Ja)
X (Xa)
KH (KHa)
D (Da)
R (Ra)
S (Sa)
SH (SHa)
DH (DHa)
C (Ca)
G (Ga)
F (Fa)
Q (Qa)
K (Ka)
L (La)
M (Ma)
N (Na)
W (Wa)
H (Ha)
Y (Ya)
Somali Words and Their Translation
Alphabet Somali Words English Words
A Abaayo Sister
B Keenid Bring
C Caaawinaad Help
D Ummad Society
E Erayo Words
F Farbarasho Learning to write
G Gobollo Regions
H Hooyo Mother
I Indho Eyes
J Jacayl Love
K Kaalay Come
L Libaax Lion
M Maanta Today
N Nolol Life
O Ogaan Aware
P In the Somali Alphabet  There is no P
Q Qar Edge
R Run Truth
S Sahal Easy
T Taariikh History
U Ubax Flower
V In the Somali Alphabet There is no V
W War News
X Xasuus Memory
Y Yaab Wonder
Z In the Somali Alphabet There is no Z

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