history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
One afternoon, there was a lion sleeping under a big tree, and a small mouse walked over him twice.  The third time the lion woke up and grabbed the mouse and said to him: “ You have no discipline... you little mouse! Why are you walking over me?  Now you will get what you deserve and I'm going to eat you up!  “ I'm so sorry, I will never do that  again.  Forgive me and I will do you a big  favour someday, please don't eat me now,” said the mouse.  

The lion forgave the mouse, and freed him.  One day, the lion got trapped in a net, built by hunters.  The lion tried to escape from the  net, but  couldn't do so. The lion started to scream and tried to escape, and again he was not able to free himself.   As he was fighting the net,  the same mouse came to  his  rescue.   “ Don't be afraid,  I will let you out of this net”  said the mouse.  He used his teeth to cut the net, then the lion got out of the net.  “ You should know that young man can also help an older man,” the mouse said to the lion.   

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