history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
Somali men's poetry known as “Gabay and Geraar” in the Somali knowledge is performed in Canada at community gatherings.  Gabay is shorter than Geraar.  The content or meaning of the men's poetry is based on past events, rituals and current life experiences. Themes of men's poetry are also concerned with the social, political and economic conditions of both Canada and Somalia.  
Death is luxury if you lack hope  
It's means to a beginning not an end  
it's fear for those who can't afford it  
It's an equal  opportunity for all  
The old and the new born  
Beloved makes achievements hard  
Love and wealth are collateral  to each  
Yet both are reliability to life  
Health, wealth, pain and pleasure all  
Life is a victim of all, good and bad  
Even if we're left alone to live  
time will not leave us alone  
And we finally fade like a leave  
bitten by a bad weather  
So, what is the word here?  
Let's stop 28  
Stop and take time to think  
Before time takes self to us, 
Shariff Osman

Philosophy of Life
Life is dynamic, moving fast forward
When you were growing up you never knew,
What it's like to be old and mature.
And even, if you die then, 
You never know what is death 
Is it darkness that absorbs light of life?
An exit, or means to transport from life to life?
And of course, what demise keeps us in waiting 
So folks, Life goes on 
In what rate? What way? We don't know 
What direction?
From yesterday-Today, that we know
The rest is truant but will arrive
Yet-  we can't grasp WHEN'S due
So folks, don't trust the temptations
The messages from satan, that urge
‘cause  anything that hastens’ from God
as nothing that waits’ from God
And Science, often we say
What's science? A revelation ?
Isn't  science out own way of invention 
Our way to define and decipher
The secrets of the unknown
Since when it become
the holly book of reference?
What ever it ‘s we made of it
And man shouldn't warship his design
Is the least of wisdom we know
To be MORAL not amoral
Is to bridge of today to tomorrow 
  Shariff Osman

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This digital collection  was produced under contract to the SchoolNet Digital Collection Program, Industry Canada.