history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community
In 1994 actors who had been members of the National Theatre Company of  
 Somalia participated in a play produced with Art Starts Neighbourhood  
 Cultural Centre in conjunction with the Somali and Italian communities in  
 Toronto. Somali Immigrant Aid Organization was a co-sponsor of this  
 Nomads was a tri-lingual Somali, Italian & English play which tells the story of a Somali woman's escape from her country's civil war and her  
 adventures in Toronto. Two performances were held on Friday May 14 and  
 Saturday May 15 at 7:30 PM at the Columbus Centre, 901 Lawrence Ave. W. at Dufferin in Toronto, Canada.  

 Art Starts mission statement is "using the arts to help build a healthy community". Nomads, which featured three of the leading performers of Somalia, now in exile in Toronto, and two Italian-Canadian actors, fosters  
 inter-ethnic understanding through the use of humour, music and emotional  

 There are now some 60,000 Somalis living in Toronto, and close to 400,000  
 Italian-Canadians. Nomads uses the experiences of a Somali woman coming    
 to Toronto to make reference to the experiences of earlier immigrant groups,  
 Italian and others. 


To listen to audio, Select 
Wave files for Windows
Aiff files for Macintosh;
Au files for Unix.
Traditional Somali Music. 
This song is about a woman's love affair.
Wave File 
Au File
Aiff File
   This is a traditional love song about the kindness of mothers.
Wave File
Au File
Aiff File

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