history of Somali Canadians
Somali Settlement Experiences
The Role of Women in the Somali Community
Future Directions
Arts and  Culture of the Somali Commuity
Interactive Quizzes/Questions about the Somali  Community 
Somali women's poetry, known as “Buranbur” in the Somali language, is performed in Canada at wedding ceremonies, community celebrations and holidays.  In weddings, special poetry is performed where the bride, groom and their families are praised. Also, women's poetry is recited to bless new-borns.  
(Composed by Hawa Jubril and translated by Fadumo A. Alim)    

Refugees in Canada

Indeed Canadians welcome refugees    
They are not left to starve but are provided    
Yet you are always broke and in need    
For the little you get    
Hardly suffices the food and the rent of the unaffordable houses    
They are strange people coming from everywhere    
Never notice you or even greet you    
Each one keeps to himself    
Always locking his door    
And I feel isolated and sick with loneliness    
Deprived from my beautiful Africa    
And the land of my songs and dreams    
I must be contended with the fate    
That my lord has reserved for me.    

Qaxootiga Canada    

qaxootiga kanada dhakhso waa u qaabishaa    
Lamana qadiyee waxbaa loo qorsheeynayaa    
Qanaacad ma laha lacagraanu qaadannaa    
Qawtalyoonka iyo guryohooda qaaligaa    
Markii loo qaybsho jeebkaagi baa qallalan    
Ummad qalaad weeye oo qaarba meel ka yimid    
Salaan kaa qaadahayn oodan la  qabsan karin    
Qofkaad aragtaaba albaab buu qalfilanayaa    
Waa qaloodaayoo qarankaan u heesi jirey    
Africa quruxdeede haddan ka qaawanahay    
Waa inaan ku qancaa rabbigay wuxuu qaddaray.    

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