


Putting an end to the 32-year Amusements of America conract, the CCEA decided to try a new midway company in 1997. Since 1988, the fair had lost money, and the change was partly an attempt to boost attendance through the attraction of new rides. Cheryl McBain, Acting General Manager of the CCEA, says that "when you change midways, there's traditionally a 15% increase [in revenue] in that move alone." Since the success of the 1997 fair was critical after years of losing money, the Board of Directors felt that 1997 was a good time to switch. That year, the fair was a money-maker, and Conklin undoubtably had a lot to do with that.
Conklin Shows is a Canadian company from Brampford, Ontario, and is also the main midway operator for many other big-name Canadian fairs, such as the Canadian National Exhibition in Toronto and the Calgary Stampede. Oringinally an American-owned company called Clark and Conklin, it's name was changed to Conklin Garrett Shows in 1924, and then simply to Conklin Shows in 1930, when the partnership between Garrett and Conklin was dissolved. Since then, they've become the most successful midway company in Canada.
The CCEA's first encounter with Conklin Shows was not 1996, as most people believe. 54 years earlier, Conklin was contracted to be the midway operator for the 1942 exhibition. However, because of the war, the exhibition was canceled that year, and, at the close of the war, the CCEA went back to their previous midway operator, the World of Mirth. 1997 was the first year that Conklin was contracted and the contract was carried out.