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Through the liberality of Mr. Homer E. Sargent of Chicago, Mr. James A. Teit has been enabled to carry on his investigations of the Salish tribes of the interior. During the past ten years he has conducted researches on the distribution of tribes and dialects and on their customs and tales. The following collection of traditions was made in connection with these researches. A collection of Lillooet tales made by Mr. Teit, and published in the "Journal of American Folk-Lore," was also made possible by the liberality of Mr. Sargent.

The following publications by Mr. Teit deal with the folk-lore and mythology of the Salish tribes of the interior: -

-Traditions of the Thompson River Indians (JAFLS, Vol. VI).

-Mythology of the Thompson Indians (AES, Vol. VIII).

-European Tales from the Upper Thompson Indians (AFL, Vol. XXIX, pp. 301-329).

-Traditions of the Lillooet Indians of British Columbia (Ibid., Vol. XXV, pp. 287-371).

-The Shuswap (E, Vol. II).

I have added a few tales collected by me in 1888, and also a collection of tales made by Miss Marian K. Gould among the Okanagon and Sanpoil. Miss Gould had the kindness to place these tales, the first that she collected, at my disposal, and it seemed best to emody them with Mr. Teit’s extensive collection of Salishan tales. The book also contains Sahaptin tales collected in 1902 by Livingston Farrand, and others collected by Herbert J. Spinden in 1907. Most of the comparative notes have been added by me.

The following abbreviations have been used:

AA…………… American Anthropologist.
BAAS………….Report of the British Association for the Advancement of
BarchS………...Baessler-Archiv, Supplement.
BBAE………….Bulletin of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
Boas, Sagen…...Franz Boas, Indianische Sagen von der Nord-Pacifischen
                            Kuste Amerikas.
NAE…………...Contributions to North American Ethnology.
M……………….Anthropological Publications of the Field Museum of
                             Natural History,      Chicago.
AFL…………….Journal of American Folk-Lore.
AI……………....Journal of the Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and
E……………….Publications of the Jesup North Pacific Expedition.
JAFLS…………Memoirs of the American Folk-Lore Society.
AES……………Publications of the American Ethnological Society.
PaAM………….Anthropological Papers, American Museum of Natural History.
BAE…………...Annual Report of the Bureau of American Ethnology.
CI……………...Transactions of the Canadian Institute.
Cal……………..California Publications in American Archaeology and
Penn…………...Anthropological Publications of the University Museum of
                            the University of Pennsylvania.
KAWA………...Joselin de Jong, Verhandelingen der Koninklijke kademie
                            van Wetenschappen te Amsterdam,afdeeling
                            Letterkunde, Amsterdam. XIV.

                                                                                                    Franz Boas.


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