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 Other Forms of Tuberculosis

 Urinary and Reproductive Systems

- Introduction
- Lymphatic
- Bones
- Urinary
- Nervous
- Other

Tuberculosis can affect the Urinary and Reproductive SystemsThe kidneys are invaded by tuberculosis germs by way of the blood stream. The disease begins slowly. Years may go by before symptoms appear. They are: frequent urination, pus and sometimes blood in the urine, unexplained fever, and perhaps loss of weight.

TB of the kidney begins in a small area, later spreads, and infects the urine. Usually both kidneys are involved, but the disease may badly infect or destroy one, yet cause little damage to the other. The bladder may remain normal, but as the disease gets worse it becomes inflamed and shows small red lumps (tubercles) or ulcers. Drug treatment is very effective here, too.


Female ... Tuberculosis in a woman’s reproductive organs involves the Fallopian or uterine tubes most often. It reaches them through the blood stream. Effects of the disease can vary from mild inflammation to complete destruction. The ovaries and, later, parts of the uterus, or womb, may be involved. Pain in the lower abdomen, stopping or irregularity of menstrual flow, mild fever, and loss of weight are usual symptoms. Often the tubes become permanently sealed, causing sterility.

Male ... The prostate gland may be diseased by way of either the urine or blood stream. It becomes firm, sometimes enlarged, and lumpy. There may be no local symptoms, but at times there is an aching feeling in the lower pelvic region, and aching or painful urination. Other parts, such as the seminal vesicles and tubes, and particularly the epididymis, may become diseased.