1986 A.O.C.A,
Ontario College of Art, Toronto, Ontario.
1981 Algonquin College, Fine Arts Diploma, Ottawa, Ontario.
Exhibitions: 1995
Receptor of Light and Organ of Sight, Women's Art Resource
Centre, Toronto, Ontario
- Veterians Show, Workscene Gallery
- The Body Social, solo, Workscene Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.
1994 Dreaming of you, Garnet Press, Toronto, Ontario.
1993 Insideout, Access Art Now, Eaton Centre, Toronto, Ontario.
- In the Seam organized by Name ten parts of the body collective.
1992 A Soul has no Colour, 80 Spadina, Toronto
- Monkey See, Monkey Do, Read Head Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.
1991 Family Tree, John B. Aird Gallery, Toronto, Ontario.
1990 Housing - A Right, Power Plant Gallery, Toronto, Ontario
- Personae Arboreus, Goethe Insitute, Toronto, Ontario.