temps passe, 1990
Skol, 1995
Mater/Materia, 1999
Sarrazin (born in 1954) lives and works in Montreal. She has been
active as an installation artist since the early 1980s. Her work
has been shown in numerous group and solo exhibitions in venues
such as Le Lobe, Chicoutimi; L'Écart, Rouyn-Noranda; Galeries
Trois Points and Skol in Montreal; and M.J.C. d'Annemasse, France.
She has received a number of awards and participated in the Young
Canadian Artist Program in Banff in 1983. While her work is to a
large part sculptural --- concerned with materials, surfaces and
the spectator's position - her more recent art includes sound of
which Mater/Materia (1999) is a most engaging example. She
is currently pursuing a newly formed doctorate in the Study and
Practice of Art program at Université du Québec à