
List of works
La chevauchée rose
Une chambre à soi
Une chambre à soi - 2e épisodle : es pièges du temps
Sans titre
Le gai savoir
Ne pas confondre pauvreté et obéissance
Éclats d' identité
L' Offrande au temps
L' Offrande au temps, detail
Les éclats des trous noirs

Éclats d' identité, 1992

Une chambre à soi, 1986

Le gai savoir, 1990

L' Offrande au temps, 1995

Education: 1985 Master in Fine Arts, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal, Québec
1965-1969 École des Beaux-Arts de Montréal, Québec.

Grants: 1972, 1974, 1977, 1985, 1991 Ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec.
1973, 1978, 1979 Exploration Grant, Canada Council of Arts.

Since 1972, Lise Nantel has participated as artist at more than twenty exhibitions either in solo or in collaboration (duo) in art galleries and other venues out of the art field, and more than forty group exhibitions (in galleries, artist-run centers, museums, and maisons de la culture). She has also produced setting, scenography or murals for public sites. Concerning diffusion, since 1985, she has been teacher assistant, guest artist and teacher in studio art at Université de Québec in Chicoutimi, at Université de Québec à Montréal and at Concordia University, and as juror on many juries for Masters in these three universities. She is also member of diverse board of directors of artist-run-centers or artist collectives (president of the Conseil des arts textiles du Québec) and member of selection committees or juries (Ministère des affaires culturelles, Musée d' Art contemporain, etc) She is the founding member of the Éditions du Remue-ménage and co-writer of "Patenteux du Québec".
