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The area of Digby and Annapolis Counties have many different mammals, some of them have been reintroduced to the area, some arefawn.jpg (16089 bytes) the last surviving members of their gene pool, and others have just wandered in and stayed. Four mammals that are now extinct in Nova Scotia; these are the beaver.jpg (15460 bytes)Caribou, Wolf, Sea Mink and the Black Rat. The American Marten and the Fisher have been reintroduced to the area, and a new arrival in the area is the Coyote. Most small mammal populations undergo drastic fluctuations and may influence the levels of larger predatory animals. Over the last several years, Raccoon and Skunk populations have increased while the White-Tailed Deer has been in significant decline. Various animal populations are the subject of study in Kejimkujik National Park. The results of these studies will allow us to better understand the lifecycles and interrelationships of these animals.

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