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blanding1.jpg (17782 bytes)The diversity of the area is truly apparent in the marine and aquatic life found in Digby and Annapolis Counties. A half hour drive will take you from the rugged coastal zone of the Bay of Fundy to an inland system of cool, rocky rivers and lakes carved by glaciers thousands of years ago. The Bay of Fundy is home to whales, seals, sea turtles and crustaceans as well as numerous species of fish. Our rivers and streams abound with a variety of turtles, frogs, trout and bass.

Interactivity between the freshwater and saltwater environments is never more evident than during the spawning season, when many saltwater species migrate up fresh water streams to lay their eggs. Areas where the fresh water and salt water meet, such as the mouth of the Annapolis River and Bear River, are active feeding zones for a variety of marine and aquatic life.

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