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water_lilly.jpg (15185 bytes)Plants respond to a variety of environmental factors such as amount of light, rainfall, average temperature, soil acidity, drainage and nutrient content. Due to the wide range of landscapes, soil types, geological formations and climatic conditions, Annapolis and Digby Counties exhibit a variety of plant life, much of it unique to this area. Of Nova Scotia's estimated 1,500 vascular plants over 200 of them are considered to be rare. Our landscape has been altered by humans with our forests being subjected to wood-cutting (by Europeans) longer than any other forest in North America. Another influence was the construction of dykes. Built for farming, the dykes kept tidal waters back and allowed farmers to claim the land for agricultural use. While this produced excellent farmland, it led to the loss of salt marshes. Marsh hay was harvested for cattle and a variety of plants were introduced through impure seed stock, or cattle feed. All these factors affected our environment and helped to shape what you see today.

The harsh environment of our coastline provides opportunity to see plants that have adapted to strong winds, salt air and poor, often wet, soil conditions. While many rare and endangered plants grow here, in an effort to protect them, their exact locations are not publicized. However the keen and well-informed visitor should have little difficulty discovering these plants. Remember these plants are highly adapted to this environment and will not grow elsewhere, we ask that you stay on established trails and paths and do not pick or disturb the plants. If you wish to enjoy their beauty and uniqueness, we suggest that you photograph them, this way they will last forever. While we have given seasons as to when different plants are in bloom, it should be noted that these are only approximations and the times may differ by one to two weeks due to seasonal variations.

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