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In 1989 the Nova Scotia Government signed the National Solid Waste Diversions Objective, committing the province to divert 50% of all solid waste by the year 2000. The province identified several means by which this goal could be met; strong recycling initiative, composting and innovative technologies that produce saleable goods from discarded materials. With this goal in mind Annapolis and Digby Counties adopted a very proactive approach to waste management.

Both counties have initiated recycling programs and in 1998 Bridgetown will become one of the first towns to have a composting program. The program offers buckets to the businesses and home to collect composting materials in, these are then collected twice a week being replaced with fresh buckets. The end result of the composting effort will be used in local parks and gardens. Another way solid waste is being reduced is through innovative companies which use discarded materials as the raw material to produce new goods. One such company is TRACC (Tire Recycling Atlantic Canada Corporation). Located in the Cornwallis Industrial Park this company uses discarded tires to produce rubber-based goods for sale in various sectors of the economy.

With the success of the Bear River Solar Aquatics Treatment facility other towns in the region are considering this chemical free alternative to treating wastewater for their areas. The Challenge of diverting our solid waste has been met head on by all levels of the community, from local government to business and industry and by the general public. With this community effort we feel confident that Digby and Annapolis Counties will achieve the goal of diverting 50% of all solid waste by the year 2000.

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