Our Partners
RAOIC works in collaboration with many other organizations in supporting the
regulatory and cabinet decision-making processes. The Regulatory
Affairs Division also tries to increase the visibility of, and adherence to, the
Regulatory Policy through its partnerships with these other organizations.
Departments & Agencies
Departments & agencies support the executive decision-making process by
undertaking the analysis underlying their policy proposals, and carrying out the
consultations upon which proposed regulations are based. Before a
regulation leaves the originating department, it must by approved by the
responsible minister.
Department of Justice, Legislative Services Branch, Regulations Section
The Regulation Section reviews the legality and drafting of all proposed
regulations. This review is required by the Statutory Instruments
Act and it involved ensuring that proposed regulations:
- are authorized by statute,
- do not constitute an unusual or unexpected of their authority,
- do not trespass unduly on existing rights and freedoms, and
- are drafted in accordance with established standards.

Once a proposed regulation has been examined by the Regulations Section, it
is "blue stamped" and may then be presented to the TB or other body
that has the authority to make it.
The Section also provides other legal advice relating to regulation-making,
including drafting services and opinions on the scope of regulation-making
Treasury Board Secretariat
The Treasury Board
Secretariat (TBS) examines and provides advice on draft regulations that,
through their enabling statutes, require Treasury Board approval and
recommendation. It also examines regulations that have significant
financial implications, including submissions related to Cost Recovery.
