Our clients
The Regulatory Affairs & Orders in Council Secretariat's primary clients
are the Treasury Board, the regulatory community, and Canadians.
The Treasury Board (TB)
Among the TB's responsibilities is the consideration of all Orders in
Council and regulatory submissions that require Governor-in-Council
approval. For more on TB's role in the process by which regulations are
created, please see the section on the Regulatory
Another of the Secretariat's clients is the body of regulatory departments
and agencies who must all meet the requirements of the regulatory policy and the
regulatory process. We strive to work with them to help them meet these
requirements and to provide an objective view point on their regulatory
In addition, we are working to make a number of tools and resources available
to regulators so that they can regulate in the best possible manner.
Canadians view health, safety, the quality of the environment, and economic
and social well-being as important concerns. The Regulatory Policy is
meant to allow us to achieve those goals in the best manner possible.
The effectiveness of the policy is dependent on regulatory authorities, central
agencies, and Canadian citizens operating in a spirit of partnership and taking
responsibility for fulfilling their roles in the governing process to the best
of their abilities. Canadians have a responsibility, as citizens, to make
a reasonable contribution by helping the government develop regulatory programs
that will benefit Canadian society as a whole. Canadians -- industry,
labour, interest groups, professional organizations, other governments and
individuals -- can also contribute to the development of the Policy itself by
ensuring that it accurately reflects Canadian values and priorities.
