Farm operators by education, by provinces (2001 Censuses of Agriculture and Population)
and notes |
Total farm
operators |
Primary occupation |
Agriculture |
Non-agriculture |
Male |
Female |
Male |
Female |
Male |
Female |
% |
Canada |
Highest level of schooling in 20011 |
Total |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Less than grade 9 |
14.3 |
6.5 |
17.1 |
8.5 |
9.5 |
4.8 |
Grades 9 to 13 |
48.0 |
47.0 |
51.5 |
52.1 |
41.8 |
42.5 |
Postsecondary, non-university2 |
27.3 |
32.0 |
23.0 |
28.6 |
34.8 |
35.0 |
University |
10.4 |
14.4 |
8.4 |
10.8 |
13.9 |
17.7 |
Highest level of schooling in 1996 |
% |
Total |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
100.0 |
Less than grade 9 |
18.2 |
8.7 |
21.6 |
12.2 |
12.3 |
5.4 |
Grades 9 to 13 |
47.3 |
47.7 |
50.7 |
52.4 |
41.5 |
43.4 |
Postsecondary, non-university2 |
24.9 |
30.2 |
20.5 |
26.0 |
32.5 |
34.1 |
University |
9.6 |
13.4 |
7.3 |
9.4 |
13.6 |
17.1 |
1. Refers to the highest grade or year of elementary or secondary (high) school attended, or to the highest university degree completed or college or trade diploma or certificate completed. |
2. Includes completed postsecondary
education, trades certificate or diploma, and college certificate or diploma. |
Source: Statistics Canada, Censuses of Agriculture and Population. |
Last modified: 2004-09-29. |
For more information on the concepts, methods and quality of the data contained in this table, consult the 2001 Census of Agriculture.