For more information about the Canadian economy, visit the Canadian Economy Online.
Balance Sheets
- Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial
and local government assets and liabilities
- Consolidated provincial, territorial
and local general governments
- Federal general government, assets and
- Federal government debt
- Local governments, assets and liabilities
- Local governments, assets and liabilities,
by provinces and territories
- Provincial and territorial general government,
assets and liabilities
- Provincial and territorial general government,
assets and liabilities, by provinces and territories
Revenue and expenditures
- Consolidated federal, provincial, territorial
and local government revenue and expenditures
- Consolidated government revenue and
- Consolidated provincial and local government
revenue and expenditures
- Consolidated provincial and local government
revenue and expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Consolidated provincial government revenue
and expenditures
- Consolidated provincial government revenue
and expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Federal general government revenue and
- Federal government revenue and expenditures
- Government transfer payments to persons
- Health and social service institutions
revenue and expenditures
- Health and social service institutions
revenue and expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Local general government revenue and
- Local general government revenue and
expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Local government revenue and expenditures
- Local government revenue and expenditures,
by provinces and territories
- Non-autonomous federal pension plans
revenue and expenditures
- Provincial and territorial general government
revenue and expenditures
- Provincial and territorial general government
revenue and expenditures, by provinces and territories
- Provincial non-autonomous pension plans
revenue and expenditures
- Reconciliation of federal government
revenue and expenditures from public accounts to Statistics Canada's Financial
Management System
- Reconciliation of provincial and territorial
government revenue and expenditures from budgetary documents to Statistics
Canada's Financial Management System
- School boards revenue and expenditures
- School boards revenue and expenditures,
by provinces and territories
- Universities and colleges revenue and
- Universities and colleges revenue and
expenditures, by provinces and territories