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Canada: Economic and financial data

Updated daily

The data shown in this page correspond to the data described on the International Monetary Fund's Dissemination Standards Bulletin Board (DSBB). For a fuller explanation of the DSBB and the statistical standards to which Canada has committed, please click on DSBB Home Page.

[Real Sector | Fiscal Sector | Financial Sector | External Sector | Population]

SDDS data category and component Period of latest data  Latest data Data for previous period  Change from previous period  Annual change
  - General government operations
  - Central government operations
  - Central government debt
Central government debt1
(Finance Canada)
  C$ millions %
A. Liabilities—gross debt Oct/04 681,605 678,067 0.5 -0.9
A1. Accounts payable, accruals and allowances2 Oct/04 71,443 68,154 4.8 11.2
A2. Interest-bearing Debt Oct/04 610,162 609,913 0.0 -2.2
i) Market debt          
  Payable in Canadian dollars Oct/04 409,416 407,544 0.5 -2.2
    Marketable bonds3 Oct/04 269,854 269,302 0.2 -4.2
    Treasury bills4 Oct/04 115,178 113,778 1.2 3.3
    Canada Savings Bonds5 Oct/04 20,983 21,062 -0.4 -4.0
    Bonds for Canada Pension Plan6 Oct/04 3,401 3,402 0.0 -4.0
  Payable in foreign currencies Oct/04 19,114 19,457 -1.8 -8.5
    Marketable bonds3 Oct/04 12,898 12,898 0.0 -8.0
    Euro medium term notes Oct/04 3,023 3,023 0.0 -4.9
    Canada bills7 Oct/04 1,936 2,196 -11.8 -20.7
    Canada notes8 Oct/04 1,257 1,257 0.0 1.0
  Obligations related to capital leases Oct/04 2,734 2,736 -0.1 3.1
Total market debt Oct/04 429,655 429,655 0.0 -2.8
ii) Pensions and other accounts9 Oct/04 178,898 180,258 -0.8 -1.4
Term to maturity          
A2. Interest-bearing Debt          
  a) Short-term Oct/04 217,218 220,789 -1.6 -1.5
  b) Long-term Oct/04 392,944 389,124 1.0 -2.5
Total Oct/04 610,162 609,913 0.0 -2.2
A1. Accounts payable, accruals and allowances—short-term Oct/04 71,443 68,154 4.8 11.2
Total Outstanding Guarantees10 June/04 56,355 56,355 0.0 -0.8
B. Central Government Assets11 Oct/04 135,209 130,540 3.6 8.5
B.1 Cash and accounts receivable12 Oct/04 59,936 55,288 8.4 15.3
B.2 Foreign exchange accounts Oct/04 44,135 44,622 -1.1 -8.5
B.3 Loans, investments and advances Oct/04 31,138 30,630 1.7 27.9
C. Central Government Net debt
(A. - B.)
Oct/04 546,396 547,527 -0.2 -3.0
D. Non-Financial Assets Oct/04 53,877 53,942 -0.1 0.9
E. Federal debt (accumulated deficit)
(C. - D.)
Oct/04 492,519 493,585 -0.2 -3.4
1. Other than market debt payable in foreign currencies, the foreign exchange accounts and a portion of loans, all liabilities/assets are issued in Canadian dollars.
2. Liabilities include accounts payable, accrued liabilities, interest and matured debt, tax refunds payable, and an allowance for guarantees. Current assets include cash, tax receivable and accounts receivable. Non-financial assets include tangible capital assets, inventories and prepaid expenses.
3. Marketable bonds are payable in Canadian or foreign currency and pay a fixed-rate of interest semi-annually over periods ranging from two to thirty years.
4. Treasury bills are sold bi-weekly by public tender on a discount basis to primary distributors of Government of Canada securities with terms to maturity of twelve months or less.
5. Canada Savings Bonds are issued for terms of 12 years or less, but are redeemable upon demand.
6. Government of Canada borrowings in the past from the Canada Pension Plan Investment Fund have normally been for terms to maturity of 20 years.
7. Canada bills are short-term promissory notes denominated in U.S. dollars with terms to maturity of not more than 270 days. They are issued for foreign exchange reserve funding purposes only.
8. Canada notes are promissory notes denominated in U.S. dollars issued for terms of nine months or longer and can be issued at a fixed or floating exchange rate. They are issued for foreign exchange reserve funding purposes only.
9. Represents the actuarial liability for public sector pensions and for employee/veteran future benefits and obligations to the Canada Pension Plan, trusts and specified purpose accounts.
10. Guarantees of borrowings by agent Crown Corporations from outside sources and explicit guarantees for borrowings by non-agent Crown Corporations form the private sector. It includes explicit guarantees for loans, insurance programs and other explicit guarantees.
11. The Government of Canada has implemented full accrual accounting in its monthly financial statements. This has necessitated a recasting of the previously published monthly financial results for 2003-04. It has also resulted in a number of classification and terminology changes.
12. Cash and accounts receivable include cash net of outstanding cheques and warrants, tax receivables and other accounts receivable.
Source: Finance Canada, Economic and Fiscal Policy Branch.
Last modified: 2004-12-20.

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