Canada Border Services Agency
Symbol of the Government of Canada

Prosecutions and Seizures

Greater Toronto Region

CBSA intercepts over 43 kilograms of suspected cocaine at Toronto Pearson International Airport

Mississauga, Ontario, April 8, 2013 – The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) today announced three significant seizures of suspected cocaine at Toronto Pearson International Airport.

On March 10, 2013, border services officers identified two suspicious suitcases while monitoring a baggage offload of a flight arriving from Colombia. Officers noted that the two suitcases were excessively heavy and upon opening the suitcases, officers discovered several brick-shaped packages of suspected cocaine concealed within the lining of four down-filled vests. Approximately 33.6 kilograms of suspected cocaine was seized. The male traveller was arrested and was turned over to the RCMP along with suspected cocaine.

On March 16, 2013, border services officers working out of Terminal 3 monitored a controlled baggage offload of a flight from Trinidad and Tobago. Based on a number of indicators, a suitcase was selected for further examination. Officers found nearly 3.2 kilograms of suspected cocaine wrapped in a pillow and blankets in the suitcase.
Finally, on March 19, 2013, officers identified a suspicious suitcase while conducting a controlled offload of baggage on an evening flight from Trinidad and Tobago. The X-ray examination of the suitcase revealed several square-shaped anomalies. Upon opening the suitcase, officers found multiple packages of suspected cocaine. Officers seized close to 6.3 kilograms of suspected cocaine.

The suspected cocaine in these two cases was turned over to Peel Police for further investigation.

"These significant interdictions demonstrate our Agency's commitment to the safety of Canadians," said Goran Vragovic, Greater Toronto Area Regional Director General. "Our officers are the first line of defence in preventing the importation of potentially deadly narcotics such as cocaine into Canada. We are committed to doing our part to keep narcotics from entering our communities."

To date in 2013, CBSA officers in the GTA region have seized over 255 kilograms of suspected cocaine.

If you have witnessed or are aware of an incident involving suspicious cross-border activity, please contact the CBSA Border Watch Toll-free Line at 1-888-502-9060.


For media information

GTA Media Relations
Canada Border Services Agency

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Sealed packages of suspected cocaine seized from March 19, 2013 flight from Trinidad & Tobago.

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Sealed packages of suspected cocaine seized from March 19, 2013 flight from Trinidad & Tobago.

Packages of suspected cocaine found in suitcase on March 16, 2013 flight from Trinidad & Tobago.

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Packages of suspected cocaine found in suitcase on March 16, 2013 flight from Trinidad & Tobago.