NRC Organizational Chart

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Photo of John R. McDougall

Executive Vice-President and Secretary General

Photo of Pat Mortimer

Director, Audit and Evaluation

Photo of Alexandra Dagger
Alexandra Dagger

Interim Director General, Communications

Photo of Kathy Trim
Andrew Norgaard

Director General, Knowledge Management

Photo of Pam Bjornson
Pam Bjornson

Executive Director, Program and Project Services

Photo of Gary Fudge
Gary Fudge

Executive Director, Strategic and Operational Planning

Photo of Judith Young
Judith Young

Vice-President, Engineering and Business Management, Support Branch

Photo of Ian Potter

General Manager, Aerospace

Photo of Jerzy Komorowski

General Manager, Automotive and Surface Transportation

Photo of Michel Dumoulin

General Manager, Construction

Photo of Morad Atif

General Manager, Energy, Mining and Environment

Photo of Andrew Reynolds

General Manager, Ocean, Coastal and River Engineering

Photo of Terry Lindstrom

Vice-President, Emerging Technologies

Photo of Dan Wayner

General Manager, Information and Communications Technologies

Photo of François Cordeau

General Manager, Measurement Science and Standards

Photo of Alan Steele

General Manager, National Science Infrastructure

Photo of Gregory Fahlman

General Manager, Security and Disruptive Technologies

Photo of Duncan Stewart

Vice-President, Life Sciences

Photo of Roman Szumski

General Manager, Aquatic and Crop Resource Development

Photo of Denise LeBlanc

General Manager, Human Health Therapeutics

Photo of Julie Ducharme

General Manager, Medical Devices

Photo of Paul Wiebe

Vice-President, Industrial Research Assistance Program

Photo of Bogdan Ciobanu

Vice-President, Human Resources

Photo of Isabelle Gingras

Vice-President, Corporate Management and Chief Financial Officer

Photo of Michel Piché

Director General, Administrative Services and Property Management

Photo of Frank Jefferies
Frank Jefferies

Director General, Design and Fabrication Services

Photo of Michael Kilfoil
Mike Kilfoil

Director General, Finance

Photo of Gail McLellan
Gail McLellan

Interim Director General, Information Technology and Security Services

Photo of Marc Dabros
Marc Dabros