Supplementary Data on Budget 2012 Implementation

National Research Council Canada
Deficit Reduction Action Plan
($ '000)

Program Activity Description 2012-2013 2013-2014 2014-2015 Ongoing
Internal Services NRC streamlined its internal operations to increase organizational efficiency. 920 10,340 10,340 10,340
Manufacturing Technologies NRC consolidated and re-organized its Design and Fabrication Services (DFS) to increase organizational efficiency. 375 375 375 375
Health and Life Sciences Technologies Shifting away from health and life sciences technology initiatives that are best suited for private sector and academia.  0 5,585 5,585 5,585
Total 1,295 16,300 16,300 16,300

As announced in Budget 2012, the Federal Government has earmarked $67M to support NRC in refocusing on business-led, industry relevant research, and an additional $110M per year, starting in 2012-2013, to double its support for companies through its Industrial Research Assistance Program.