Research and business partnerships

NRC is uniquely positioned to deliver a compelling value proposition to our clients and partners through a focus on commercial success and tangible impacts on industrial growth. NRC encourages and engages in multiple forms of partnerships for a project. Our collaborative research projects span a very broad spectrum of activities and business structure models. Access to NRC expertise and equipment provides our partners with the opportunity to accelerate their commercial development timelines, while a focus on industrial applications provides NRC with insights into commercial direction for research and technology development activities.

NRC has lengthy experience and integrity in managing confidentiality and intellectual property at the highest standards. Effective management of these critical aspects of collaborations ensures that maximum value can be generated for all parties.


Partners and collaborators can enjoy such advantages as:

  • reduction of overall program costs through a portioning of costs inherent to R&D, leading to optimized return on investment thanks to the leverage effect;
  • outcome focus — participation in the orientation of R&D programs;
  • technology access — effective means of acquiring new technologies;
  • knowledge development — mutually beneficial interaction among members;
  • product quality — optimization of processing parameters to enhance quality;
  • expertise — technical assistance in the laboratory or plant;
  • knowledge transfer — employee training;
  • facilities — access to state-of-the-art equipment; and
  • marketing — update on developments worldwide (technological awareness).

Find out more by contacting an NRC expert in one of our areas of research relevant to your R&D needs.


NRC has an established track record in consortium management, research leadership, technology transfer and commercialization support. By engaging with key partners from industry, academia and other government departments, NRC-lead research consortia can drive R&D activities to transform knowledge into value-added products. NRC offers unique opportunities to its industry partners through engagement in consortia partnerships.

Technology groups

Technology groups are platform areas where partners (companies, universities, research centres and industry associations) and the NRC work together to mutually define the technological orientation and pursue research and development programs that fulfill common interests of the group. These groups offer companies both large and small a unique technology transfer tool that allows them to progressively acquire technology in keeping with market needs. Some of the notable benefits include cost sharing, technology access, development of industrial applications for the latest technologies and latest updates on developments worldwide.