Chronological Outline
15th century
Columbus (1492)
The Cabots (1497-1509)
The Cabots (1497-1509)
16th century
The Corte Real Brothers (1500-1503)
Verrazzano (1524)
Cartier (1534-1542)
Soto (1539)
Alfonse (1542-1543)
Thévet (1558)
Laudonnière (1562-1565)
Lemoyne de Morgues (1562-1565)
Le Challeux (1565)
Frobisher (1577)
Hariot and White (1585-1588)
17th century
Hakluyt and Purchas (1613)
Champlain (1613)
Sagard (1623-1624)
Purchas (1625)
Gage (1625-1637)
Champlain (1627-1632)
James (1631-1632)
The Jesuits (1632-1673)
La Salle and Hennepin (1678-1681)
La Salle and Tonty (1678-1688)
Iberville (1694-1703)
Nicolas (ca 1700)
18th century
Lahontan (1703)
Lahontan (1704)
Joutel (1713)
Jérémie (1720)
La Potherie (1722)
Lafitau (1724)
La Vérendrye and Sons (1727-1743)
Charlevoix (1744)
Kalm (1749)
Buache (1753)
Cassini (1768)
Hearne (1769-1772)
Mourelle (1775)
Cook (1776-1780)
Lapérouse (1785-1788)
Mackenzie (1789-1793)
Vancouver (1790-1795)
Alcalá-Galiano (1792)
Grasset de Saint-Sauveur (1796)
19th century
Lewis (1804-1806)
Pike (1805-1807)
Fraser (1808)
Ross (1818-1819)
Parry (1819-1820)
Franklin (1819-1822)
Castelnau (1842)
Zagoskin (1842-1844)
Hind (1858)
Kane (1859)
Milton (1862-1863)
20th century
Amundsen (1908)
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