OTTAWA, September 6, 2007 - Maher Arar will not testify before the Commission of Inquiry - click here

OTTAWA, August 9, 2007 - Arar Commission discloses more information to the public - click here

OTTAWA, July 26, 2007 - Arar Commission will not appeal Federal Court decision on the release of public information - click here

OTTAWA, December 12, 2006 - Arar Commission recommends a new review agency for the RCMP’s national security activities, and a new review process for five other agencies - click here

OTTAWA, December 6, 2006 - Arar Commission to release Policy Review Report on December 12 - click here

OTTAWA, September 18, 2006 - Arar Commission releases its findings on the handling of the M aher Arar case
- click here

As of May 2005, please note that all public hearings will take place from 10:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at :

The Algonquin Room
Old City Hall
111 Sussex Drive
Ottawa, Ontario

Media arrangement

  • No accreditation is necessary. Press ID must be available on request.
  • Journalists, photo and camera people may wish to check with Francine Bastien upon arrival.
  • There will be a photo op for still cameras and TV at the start of each session.
  • Once inside the hearing room, the cameras cannot leave unless there is a break in the hearings.
  • Photographers/camera people are requested not to enter area behind the Commissioner at any time.
  • Photographers/camera people are requested not to photograph lawyer’s notes on desks and lecterns at any time.
  • Inquiry documents will be available in the media room and may be photographed there.

Media room (adjacent to the hearing room)

  • A media room with analog telephone outlets, work tables and chairs will be available for working journalists.
  • Speakers and TV monitors with audio in both English, French and floor and the output of the pool TV cameras will be available in the media room.

TV Pool

  • Justice Dennis R. O’Connor has agreed to the presence of a limited number of cameras in the hearing room for the purpose of providing pool coverage of the proceedings.
  • The Canadian network CPAC will be responsible for all pool feeds.


  • As is customary for the judiciary, Mr. Justice O’Connor will not give interviews. Commission counsel and lawyers for the parties may be interviewed outside the hearing room.
  • Witnesses may be interviewed after their testimony is completed.

Media contact: 
Francine Bastien
Telephone: (613) 996-4741
Cell: (613) 299-6554

Last Updated: 2006-12-12

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