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Wawanesa: People: McLung: The Activist
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Nellie McLung served as the sole Canadian delegate to the League of Nations, in Geneva, Switzerland in 1938. At home in Canada, she was deeply involved in improving prison conditions and liberalising divorce laws.
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Having lost her seat on the Alberta legislature (due largely to her unshakeable stand on temperance and prohibition), she turned her efforts towards establishing the right of Canadian women to a seat in the Senate. With the help of four determined women, the "Alberta Five" won the famous "Persons Case" in October of 1929.

The CBC received Nellie McLung in 1936, as the only female member of its first board of governors. She held this position until 1943.

IN 1915, Sir Robert Borden appointed Nellie, to the Dominion War Council; she was the only woman on this body.
pic of McLung at CBC Board of Governor's meeting
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Nellie McLung (second from left) attending a CBC Board of Governors meeting.
"In Canada we are developing a pattern of life and I know something about one block of that pattern. I know it because I helped to make it, and I can say that now without any pretence of modesty, or danger of arrogance for I know that we who make the patterns are not important but the pattern is."

"I would not take hints, I was always ready to believe that no harm was intended. Naturally I drew criticism, I broke new furrows and attacked old prejudices. I was bound to step on someone's toes and so did not resent criticism. I tried to follow Elbert Hubbard's wise slogan. ‘Get the thing done, and let them howl.’ "

Over the years Nellie was a member of a number of organizations striving for social and humanitarian reform, including the Red Cross Society, the Patriotic Fund, and projects to aid prisoners of war.
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