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Wawanesa: People: McLung: The Author
pic of Nellie McLung's first book
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Nellie McLung did not set out to make a name for herself; she ust wanted to write. As her own life unfolded she met with adversity and injustice but never wavered from her ideal of what a writer should be.

"Writers must hear the church bells ringing above the noise of street. We promise not to be quitters, deserters, or neutrals, cynics, or observers.

Nellie McLung produced sixteen books from 1908 to 1945. The first, "Sowing Seeds in Danny" became best seller of the year in Canada, running into seventeen editions and over 100,000 copies. She produced novels, short stories, essays and poetry, and her words have exerted immeasurable influence on Canadian women and do so even to this day.

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"Sowing Seeds in Danny", the first book written by Nellie McLung
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"Some glimmering of life's plan swept across my mind. Sorrow and joy; pain and gladness: triumph and defeat were in the plan, just as night and day, winter and summer; cold and heat, tears and laughter. The sun swept over the horizon and all the landscape kindled and blazed . It was a new day and I was part of it."

"Literature may be light as a cobweb but it must be fastened down to life at four corners"

"Get it over to your audience as clearly, as you can. If you can use beautiful words... so much the better, but words are only the paper and string in which the thought is wrapped."

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