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The Series

The thirteen stories about Jojo and Pichou are like different days in the life of the characters. Even if the days and the adventures change, the characters stay the same. Are they always shown in the same way?

To check, look at the Jojos in four different stories.


Cover pages of four books:

In each of these pictures, look at her face and where Jojo is placed on the page. Sometimes she is at the bottom of a page, as if she is scared. Sometimes she looks like she's teasing or like she wants to play a joke on someone. Other times, she is standing straight, as if she is ready for school.

Because the stories are different, Jojo is not necessarily the same in all the pages and in all the books. But you can recognize her everywhere.

Notice, however, that:
- her hat changes shape -- it is rounded in Hide-and-Seek and more pointy in Devine?;
- her blonde hair is not always done the same way and it is even curly in School.

Jojo is drawn facing you and she changes a little, from one page to the next. Think of a photo album. Even if there were a hundred pictures of you, all taken one after the other, they would not be exactly the same. And that would be even more evident for older pictures. The expression on your face can change so much from one picture to the next that it can sometimes be difficult to recognize you… There are other things that can make your face look different -- what you're doing, the lighting, being closer or further away, what you are feeling, fear, happiness, surprise, the person you are with…

Even if the four figures on the front covers are a little different, you can be sure that you won't have any trouble recognizing Jojo. She couldn't change the way she looks altogether and be, for instance, tall, thin, black-haired or dark-skinned! You can appear in many books, but when you are a known character, the way Jojo is, you have to stay true to your image. That's life! In books, we call that a recurring character.

For Ginette Anfousse, it's a bit complicated to draw the same character all the time. Sometimes she might like to draw Jojo differently, just for a change. But would we recognize her?
