Can J Surg 1997;40(4)
Quill on Scalpel / Plume et scalpel
246 - Continuing transition in surgical care C.A. Milne [full text]
247 - Inpatient today - outpatient tomorrow? M.J. Girotti [full text]
249 - Leave no stone unturned J.L. Stoller [full text]
250 - Fixed hinge knee arthroplasty R.S. Bell [full text]
Surgical Images / Imagier chirurgical
251 - Ultrasound diagnosis of acute appendicitis E.J. Patterson, A.R.J. Buckley [full text]
Radiology for the Surgeon / Chirurgie et radiologie
253 - Case 16. Presentation [full text]
264 - Case 16. Diagnosis L.A. Stein [full text]
Surgical Biology for the Clinician / Biologie chirurgicale pour le clinicien
254 - The abdominal compartment syndrome A.B. Nathens, F.D. Brenneman, B.R. Boulanger [full text]
259 - Symposium on ambulatory surgery: principles, practice, pitfalls J.K. MacFarlane [full text]
Original Articles / Articles originaux
265 - Long-term outcomes after upper limb arterial injuries C.K. van der Sluis, D.S. Kucey, F.D. Brenneman, G.A. Hunter, R. Maggisano, H.J. ten Duis [abstract / résumé]
271 - An orthopedic surgeon survey on the treatment of displaced femoral
neck fracture: opposing views D. Chua, S.B. Jaglal, J. Schatzker [full text]
278 - Hinge total knee replacement revisited H.U. Cameron, C. Hu, D. Vyamont [full text]
284 - Establishing outpatient cholecystectomy as a hospital routine A.J. Voitk [full text]
289 - Duodenal seromyectomy in the management of adherent colonic carcinoma
in elderly patients P. Sharma, H. Klaasen [abstract / résumé]
294 - Clinical results of deep venous valvular repair for chronic venous insufficiency W.G. Jamieson, B. Chinnick [abstract / résumé]
Case Reports / Études de cas
300 - Don't cry over spilled stones? Complications of gallstones spilled during
laparoscopic cholecystectomy: case report and literature review E.J. Patterson, A.G. Nagy [full text]
305 - Late presentation of an intra-abdominal foreign body M.A. Quantz, R. Brown [full text]
310 - Acute polyethylene fracture in an uncemented acetabular cup A.E. Gross, W.N. Dust [abstract / résumé]
313 - Clenched-fist injury complicated by methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus G. Berlet, R.S. Richards, J.H. Roth [abstract / résumé]
315 - Sporadic ampullary hamartoma simulating cancer T.N. Moyana, G.G. Miller, R.G. Keith [full text]