June 16, 1998 / le 16 juin 1998
CMAJ 1998; 158(12)
© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce
Couverture :
La prophylaxie au tamoxifène réduit phénoménalement l'incidence de cancer du sein chez les femmes à risque élevé. Cette bonne nouvelle a suscité l'interruption prématurée de l'étude sur la prévention du cancer du sein. Pour ce qui est des mauvaises nouvelles, Richard Margolese et Vivek Goel y réagissent aux pages 1613 et 1615.

The good news that tamoxifen prophylaxis dramatically reduced breast cancer incidence among high-risk women has brought the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial to an early close. Richard Margolese and Vivek Goel respond to the bad news on pages 1613 and 1615.
Evidence ˇ Études |
1603 |
Unexpected death related to restraint for excited delirium: a retrospective study of deaths in police custody and in the community, M.S. Pollanen, D.A. Chiasson, J.T. Cairns, J.G. Young [abstract / résumé]
ˇ Éditoriaux |
1611 |
Death by restraint, D. Milliken [full text]
1613 |
How do we interpret the results of the Breast Cancer Prevention Trial?, R.G. Margolese [full text]
1615 |
Tamoxifen and breast cancer prevention: What should you tell
your patients?, V. Goel [full text]
ˇ Éducation |
1621 |
Unconventional therapies for cancer: 6. 714-X, E. Kaegi, on behalf of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative [full text]
1625 |
Preventing disability from work-related low-back pain. New evidence gives new hope if we can just get all the players onside, J. Frank, S. Sinclair, S. Hogg-Johnson, H. Shannon, C. Bombardier, D. Beaton, D. Cole [abstract / résumé]
Experience ˇ Expérience |
1633 |
The days that will still be mine, J. Poulson [full text]
health ˇ Santé publique |
1637 |
Just when you thought it was safe to eat a burger . . . [full text]
1638 |
Et vous qui pensiez pouvoir manger un hamburger sans danger . . . [texte complet]
ˇ Chroniques |
1639 |
Does Canada face a crisis? US considers ending plasma exports, B. Sibbald [full text]
1642 |
"I won't do surgery if you don't try to do my job," head of new blood agency tells MDs, A. Mullens [in brief / en bref]
1645 |
Patented drugs: Is the price right?, C. Gray [full text]
1646 |
MDs who need psychiatric help afraid to seek it, conference told, S. Wharry [full text]
ISSN 0820-3946 158(12) 1585-1680 (1998)
