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Canadian Medical Association Journal

April 21, 1998 / le 21 avril 1998

CMAJ 1998; 158(8)

© 1998 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

In this issue ˇ Dans ce numéro

Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef

1003 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
1007 Research Update · Le point sur la recherche
  • Visualizing ventricular fibrillation
  • In the news...
    • The salt of life
    • Get off my wheel!
1009 Letters · Correspondance
[Instructions to correspondents / Directives aux correspondants]

        Dr. Max King Cover:
Dr. Max King, younger brother of former prime minister Mackenzie King, died in poverty at age 42. Charlotte Gray explains that many physicians working at the turn of the century found it difficult to make a living (page 1066).

Couverture :
Le Dr Max King, frère cadet de l'ancien premier ministre Mackenzie King, mourut dans la pauvreté à l'âge de 42 ans. Charlotte Gray explique que les médecins du début du siècle avaient souvent bien du mal à gagner leur vie (page 1066).

  Evidence · Études
1019 Playing-related musculoskeletal disorders in musicians: a systematic review of incidence and prevalence, C. Zaza [abstract / résumé]

  Editorial · Éditorial
1027 Identifying unidentified recipients of HIV-infected blood, R.S. Remis, M.J. Gill [full text]

  Education · Éducation
1033 Unconventional therapies for cancer: 2. Green tea, E. Kaegi, on behalf of the Task Force on Alternative Therapies of the Canadian Breast Cancer Research Initiative [full text]
1037 Management of common musculoskeletal problems: a survey of Ontario primary care physicians, R.H. Glazier, D.M. Dalby, E.M. Badley, G.A. Hawker, M.J. Bell, R. Buchbinder, S.C. Lineker [abstract / résumé]
1044 No to mandatory continuing medical education, Yes to mandatory practice auditing and professional educational development, N. Donen [summary / résumé]
1047 Undergraduate and postgraduate medical education in Canada, J.D. Gray, J. Ruedy [abstract / résumé]

  Experience · Expérience
1051 AIDS in Africa: a personal experience, M. Rashid

  Public health · Santé publique
1056 Campylobacter enteritis: It could happen to you! [full text]
1057 L'entérite à Campylobacter : cela pourrait vous arriver! [texte complet]

  Features · Chroniques
1059 Dictation software for MDs improving but frustration still part of the program, T. Kovesi [in brief / en bref]
1061 At least 12 US states refuse to recognize physician training accredited in Canada, M. Korcok [full text / en bref]
1064 Manitoba crash a wake-up call for "fly-in" physicians, D. Square [in brief / en bref]
1066 Dr. Max King: the sad life and early death of Mackenzie King's physician brother, C. Gray [full text / en bref]
1071 The Morrison ruling: the case may be closed but the issues it raised are not, N. Robb [full text / en bref]

1111 Death · Nécrologie

  Pulse · Médicogramme
1112 Transfer payments: Ottawa's big stick being whittled away / Les paiements de transfert : petite carotte, petit bâton

1074 Books and other media · Livres et autres documents

1075 ·
   MEDLINE searching made easy

Resources · Ressources

1076 Conferences · Conférences
  Writing for CMAJ · Écrire pour le JAMC   
1078 Advertisers' index · Index des annonceurs
1078 Prescribing index · Index de l'information sur les ordonnances
1097 Service information · Renseignements aux lecteurs
1098 Classified advertising · Annonces classées
ISSN 0820-3946 158(8) 993­1120 (1998)