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le 1er mai 2001 / May 1, 2001

JAMC  2001; 164(9)
Highlights of this issue
•  Éditorial
•  Correspondance
•  Recherche
•  Commentaire
•  Synthèse
•  De l'oreille gauche
•  Nouvelles
•  Nécrologie
•  Gens de cœur
Les progrès réalisés dans la prise en charge des syndromes coronariens aigus
Couverture :
Dans ce numéro, Paul Armstrong présente une nouvelle série sur les progrès réalisés dans la prise en charge des syndromes coronariens aigus (page 1303), tandis que David Fitchett et ses collaborateurs décrivent l'évaluation précoce et le triage des patients qui se présentent avec des douleurs à la poitrine et soulignent la nécessité d'adapter le traitement en fonction du risque (page 1309).

  Éditorial • Editorial
1269 Lessons from cisapride
1271 Leçons tirées du cisapride

1275 Correspondance • Letters
Directives aux correspondants

  Recherche • Research
1285 Age-related differences in in-hospital mortality and the use of thrombolytic therapy for acute myocardial infarction
J.-M. Boucher, N. Racine, T. Huynh Thanh, E. Rahme, J. Brophy, J. LeLorier, P. Théroux, on behalf of the Quebec Acute Coronary Care Working Group
1291 Efficacy of a clinical medication review on the number of potentially inappropriate prescriptions prescribed for community-dwelling elderly people
J. Allard, R. Hébert, M. Rioux, J. Asselin, L. Voyer
  Éxposé de recherche • Research Letter
1299 Schizophrenia: people's perceptions in Quebec
E. Stip, J. Caron, C.J. Lane

  Commentaire • Commentary
1301 Thrombolytics in elderly patients: A triumph of hope over experience?
D.R. Thiemann, S.P. Schulman
1303 New advances in the management of acute coronary syndromes
P.W. Armstrong
1305 Continuing review of research approved by Canadian research ethics boards
C. Weijer

  Synthèse • Review
1309 New advances in the management of acute coronary syndromes: 1. Matching treatment to risk
D. Fitchett, S. Goodman, A. Langer
1317 PubMed: bridging the information gap
J. McEntyre, D. Lipman
1321 Monitoring clinical research: report of one hospital's experience
J. McCusker, Z. Kruszewski, B. Lacey, B. Schiff

1326 De l'oreille gauche • The Left Atrium [HTML]
  • T. Hutchinson reviews essays from JAMA [PDF]
  • A.M. Todkill goes to see the National Gallery's Elusive Paradise [PDF]
  • B. Deady learns how to teach [PDF]
  • The Railway Children E. Nesbit [PDF]

1331 Nouvelles • News
  • Drug patent protection: How long is long enough? [HTML / PDF]
  • Urologist's $1-million gift boosts prostate research on East Coast [HTML / PDF]
  • Asbestos risks to receive airing in US [HTML / PDF]
  • Is Australia's safe injection site experiment bound for Vancouver? [HTML / PDF]
  • A golden opportunity for UK family docs [HTML / PDF]
  • ORs closed after Aspergillus discovered at Royal Vic [HTML / PDF]
  • Spending on drugs approaching $15 billion a year: CIHI [HTML / PDF]
  • Head-hunting in the health care jungle [HTML / PDF]
  • Medical school enrolment growing too slowly? [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Down a dark (carpal) tunnel [HTML / PDF]
  • One country, one medical licence! [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Canadians continue to spend more on drugs than doctors [HTML / PDF]
  • Saskatchewan hopes to ease MD shortage by easing licensing requirements [HTML / PDF]
  • Migraine drug recalled [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Lisinopril for migraine [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: Foot-and-mouth disease in animals and humans [HTML / PDF]

1391 Nécrologie • Deaths

Gens de cœur • Heart & Soul
1392 Caring, not curing
L. Swanson

Politique de l'AMC
Les médecins et l'industrie pharmaceutique (mise á jour 2001) [PDF]<

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