

Controversies in spirometry

CMAJ 1997;157:366
Re: "Spirometry utilization in Ontario: practice patterns and policy implications," CMAJ 1997;156:169-76 [abstract / résumé] by Dr. B. Chan and colleagues and "Spirometric testing: How much is enough?" (CMAJ 1997;156:202-4 [abstract / résumé]) by Dr. Nicholas Anthonisen

See response from: B. Chan, G. Anderson & R. Dales

Dr. Chan and colleagues suggest that clearer, evidence-based guidelines, including a comprehensive strategy for implementation, are needed for spirometry.

In 1993 a task force of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario developed and promulgated clinical practice parameters and facility standards for pulmonary function studies and procedures listed in the Ontario Ministry of Health schedule of benefits and covered by Ontario's Independent Health Facilities Act (1989). The act gives the college the primary responsibility for assessing out-of-hospital facilities licensed by the Ministry of Health. Since this act excludes timed vital capacity and FV loops, clinical practice parameters for these studies were not addressed in the 1993 edition. However, the task force is now preparing clinical practice parameters and facility standards for these studies and has recommended to the ministry that they be included in the act.

Roger W.T. Haddon, MB, BS
Respiratory Disease Task Force
College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario
Toronto, Ont.

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| CMAJ August 15, 1997 (vol 157, no 4) / JAMC le 15 août 1997 (vol 157, no 4) |