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June 12, 2001 / le 12 juin 2001

CMAJ  2001:164(12)
Highlights of this issue
The Left Atrium
Heart & Soul
Do potential benefits of chemoprophylaxis outweigh the harms?
Women at risk of breast cancer must decide whether the potential benefits of chemoprophylaxis outweigh the harms. In this issue, the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care and the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative's Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer present a joint guideline to assist physicians in counselling their patients (page 1681).

  Editorial • Éditorial
1653 Another kick at the Kyoto can
1655 L'Accord de Kyoto : nouvelle tentative

1661 Letters • Correspondance
Instructions to correspondents
  • Diagnosis of fibromyalgia R. Bayne [HTML / PDF]
  • The community's voice in research A.C. Macaulay, et al [HTML / PDF]; response: J. Torrie [HTML / PDF]
  • Suicide and psychiatry M. Latowsky [HTML / PDF]; J.A. Schaler [HTML / PDF]; response: P.S. Links [HTML / PDF]
  • Inoculation blastomycosis S. Bernstein, S. Richardson [HTML / PDF]
  • The Hajj in modern times S.M.H. Alibhai [HTML / PDF]; M. Regal [HTML / PDF]; response: V. Hanlon [HTML / PDF]
  • Seven new inductees named to Canadian Medical Hall of Fame [Correction]

  Research • Recherche
1669 Preventive health care, 2001 update: screening and management of developmental dysplasia of the hip in newborns
H. Patel, with the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care
1681 Chemoprevention of breast cancer: a joint guideline from the Canadian Task Force on Preventive Health Care and the Canadian Breast Cancer Initiative's Steering Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines for the Care and Treatment of Breast Cancer
M. Levine, J.-M. Moutquin, R. Walton, J. Feightner
  La chimioprévention du cancer du sein : Un guide élaboré conjointement par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs et le Comité directeur des guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge et le traitement du cancer du sein de l'Initiative canadienne sur le cancer du sein
M. Levine, J.-M. Moutquin, R. Walton, J. Feightner
  Research Letter • Exposé de recherche
1695 Did the major clinical trials of statins affect prescribing behaviour?
M.M. Mamdani, J.V. Tu

  Commentary • Commentaire
1699 Racial stereotyping and medicine: the need for cultural competence
H.J. Geiger
1701 Societal hierarchy and the health Olympics
S. Bezruchka
1704 New provincial initiatives for childhood disabilities: the imperative for research
A.R. Miller, L. Zwaigenbaum

  Review • Synthèse
1709 Problems for clinical judgement: 4. Surviving in the report card era
J.V. Tu, M.J. Schull, L.E. Ferris, J.E. Hux, D.A. Redelmeier
1715 The HIV-positive dentist: balancing the rights of the health care worker and the patient
M.A. Gardam, W.F. Flanagan, I.E. Salit
1721 Transfusion-transmitted babesiosis in Ontario: first reported case in Canada
K.C. Kain, S.B. Jassoum, I.W. Fong, B. Hannach

1727 The Left Atrium • De l'oreille gauche [HTML]
  • Dealing with our demons (book review by P. Croskerry) [PDF]
  • One thousand words [PDF]
  • V. Tors on Diana Thorneycroft's aesthetics of paradox [PDF]
  • Poetry by A. Peterkin [PDF]

1735 News • Nouvelles
  • Banks no longer banking on earning potential of medical students [HTML / PDF]
  • Another day older, deeper in debt [HTML / PDF]
  • Stem cell research gets nod, sources of cells remains controversial [HTML / PDF]
  • College cannot be sued over negligence claim, judge rules [HTML / PDF]
  • FDA issues warnings about drugs used to treat fungal nail infections [HTML / PDF]
  • Quebec's residents worry that sharing of medical duties will affect training time [HTML / PDF]
  • Nurses decry profession's 1:19 male-to-female ratio [HTML / PDF]
  • Pulse: Canadians don't appear to fear electronic medical records [HTML / PDF]
  • Manitoba eases way for foreign medical graduates [HTML / PDF]
  • New program will target 45 million TB patients in next decade [HTML / PDF]
  • On the Net: Health4Kids [HTML / PDF]
  • Winnipeg couple sues over "wrongful pregnancy" case [HTML / PDF]
  • Clinical Update: Bypass surgery or stenting for multivessel coronary artery disease? [HTML / PDF]
  • Public Health: The cryptic nature of cryptosporidiosis [HTML / PDF]

1819 Deaths • Nécrologie

1820 Heart & Soul • Gens de cœur
The flying doctor from Pointe-Claire
T. Spears

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