Energy Choices, a Review by Lorrie Andersen

Volume 1 Number 2
June 23, 1995

Energy Choices. Part 2 of Energy: The Pulse of Life.
MediCinema Ltd., 1994 (c1995). VHS, 43 minutes, $125.00 (School Boards, $350.00).
Distributed by MediCinema, 131 Albany Avenue, Toronto, ON, M5R 3C5. (416) 977-0569.

This is the second video in the series Energy: The Pulse of Life by Jack Micay. Part one, The Science of Energy (c1994) won numerous awards for its creative approach to the presentation of scientific concepts concerning energy -- concepts ranging from the first and second laws of thermodynamics to the process of photosynthesis and respiration.

The current video uses the same lively approach to the presentation of scientific principles. Its strength lies in an imaginative presentation that combines humorous animation, archival footage, live action, and -- for a change of pace -- the popular Canadian rock group Moxy Früvous. The lyrics of the group's music reinforce the material just presented. Great teaching technique!

The 43-minute video has four distinct sections: the history of energy use and technology; energy and the environment; energy efficiency; and renewable energy and hydrogen.

The video opens and closes on the theme of safeguarding the environment through the development of renewable energy. The first segment then provides a brief overview of the history of energy, from the use of early technologies that were already renewable -- like horse- and human-power, and water wheels and windmills -- through to the industrial revolution and the development of the steam engine, electricity, and the internal combustion engine. Segment two shows some of the consequences of our escalating consumption of oil, coal, natural gas, hydro, and nuclear power: a toll on the environment that includes the greenhouse effect and global climate change.

Segment three begins to provide solutions to these problems. We can build energy-efficient houses, redesign our neighbourhoods to encourage bicycles rather than cars, switch to compact fluorescent light-bulbs, and, on a more technical level, ensure maximum production of thermal generation of electricity through combined-cycle generation and co-generation. Segment four finishes the video with a discussion on using renewable sources of energy such as wind and tidal power, and exploiting geothermal energy and biomass. It suggests that in the future we can look forward to emission-free cars that run on hydrogen.

The lyrics of the song say it all: energy is the pulse of life.

An extensive 80-page teacher's guide with background information, discussion questions, suggestions for activities, additional sources of information, and a glossary accompanies the video.

Highly recommended.

Grades 7-13/ Ages 12-18

Energy Choices was included in the 1994 Canadian list in the last issue.

A librarian by training, Lorrie Andersen is Collection Development Consultant, Instructional Resources, for Manitoba Education and Training.

Also in this issue

 From the Editor

Book Reviews

 Portfoolio 10: The Year's Best Canadian Editorial Cartoons
Review by Dave Jenkinson
Grades 7 and up/ Ages 12 and up

 Saying Goodbye, Holeman, Linda
Review by Helen Norrie
Grades 8-12/ Ages 14-18

Video Review

 Energy Choices. Part 2 of Energy: The Pulse of Life
Review by Lorrie Andersen
Grades 7-13/ Ages 12-18


 Reviewers Wanted!

Copyright © 1995 the Manitoba Library Association. Reproduction for personal use is permitted only if this copyright notice is maintained. Any other reproduction is prohibited without permission.

Published by
The Manitoba Library Association
ISSN 1201-9364

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