ISSN: 1918-5901 (English) -- 1918-591X (Français)


About GMJ -- CE

Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition is a bilingual (English and French) free open-access online double-blind refereed publication that is hosted by the University of Ottawa and which is dedicated to research in the fields of communication and media studies. GMJ -- CE welcomes high-quality, original submissions on a wide range of related topics to communication and media studies that develop communication and media theories, report empirical and analytical research, present critical discourses, apply theories to case studies, and set out innovative research methodologies. It aims to advance research and understanding of communication and media in Canada and around the globe.

GMJ -- CE publishes two issues annually; one in the Spring (June) and one in the Fall (December). Each issue focuses on a specific theme, and is divided into two sections: one for refereed papers, and another for book reviews. Authors do not pay any charges for paper processing, submission, production, or publication.

Editor-in-Chief of GMJ -- CE receives proposals from communication and media studies established scholars to be guest editors for each issue. The journal welcomes themes that explore the broad boundaries of communication and media studies, including, but not limited to: print media, broadcasting, radio, advertising, public relations, information and communication technologies, emerging media, alternative media, political communication, political economy of communication, journalism, research methodology, rhetoric, cultural studies, media effects, media ethics, and communications law and policy. In consultation with the Advisory Board, Editor-in-Chief selects proposed themes. Guided by the themed issues’ call for papers, authors submit papers to the guest editors who manage the refereeing and editing processes according to the guidelines provided by the Editor-in-Chief of GMJ -- CE.

Although GMJ -- CE retains copyright and that contributing authors give permission to GMJ -- CE to reprint their published papers, review articles, book reviews, etc. in other electronic and print formats, including books, etc., authors may request permission from the Editor-in-Chief to re-publish their manuscripts in other publication outlets.

Views expressed in GMJ -- CE are not necessarily endorsed by the Editor-in-Chief, Advisory Board, or the University of Ottawa.

GMJ -- CE is listed, abstracted, and indexed in Cabell's, DOAJ, EBSCO, LAC, ProQuest, SciVerse Scopus, SPD, Thomson Reuters Web of Science, and Ulrich's.



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