ISSN: 1918-5901 (English) -- 1918-591X (Français)


Call for Papers

2017: Volume 10, Issue 1 -- Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Media Markets

2017: Volume 10, Issue 1

Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Media Markets

Guest Editor:

Dr. Datis Khajeheian

(Aalborg University)




Media organizations operate in an industry that is characterized by intensive competition. To survive in this highly competitive industry, firms have to be equipped with entrepreneurial abilities to invent new combinations of available resources to meet the market needs and to deliver the value proposition. Based on the organizational ecology approach, just as species seek for food and safety, media firms are in continuous search for resources, demanding markets with low levels of competition. In an era of rapid technology advances, new markets emerge and create provision for large media organizations and enterprises.

However, the discovery, selection, and moving into the right emerging market by a media firm (large or small) requires entrepreneurship, innovation, and a clear understanding of the existing opportunities. The emergence of new markets, in essence, is a product of change: change in technology; change in society; change in rules and regulations; and change in consumption patterns. These four major categories of change enable the appearance of new opportunities and the diminishing of existing opportunities. Innovation is a change factor. Based on innovative changes in the product, process, position, and paradigm, an organization continues to deliver freshness to the media markets.

There are two approaches to creating markets opportunities: opportunity creation and opportunity discovery. Schumpeterian approach focuses on the creation of opportunities by creative destruction. In this approach entrepreneurs create opportunity by innovation. Another approach is Kirznerian, which focuses on the discovery of opportunities and argues that there are existing opportunities in the market and entrepreneurs should find them. The source of these opportunities is the market disequilibria that are created by the change in demand and supply. These kinds of opportunities are idiosyncratic and can occur at any time or place. Both approaches can be used in the study of emerging media markets. Opportunities are developed by creatives who find new set of design possibilities and make new arrangements for resources. The opportunities are also created in markets based on new trends and changes, and should be recognized and identified.

Stephen Hawking says “intelligence is the ability to adapt to change”; therefore, entrepreneurial intelligence is aimed at responding to opportunities that appear in the markets based on such changes. Both individual entrepreneurs and media firms act in the markets with competition and uncertainty. Finding new opportunities lead them into emerging markets with lower levels of competition to increase their chance of success with delivery of value to customers with unmet demands.

The aim of this special issue is to solicit high quality papers that deepen and enhance understanding of the impact of the entrepreneurship and innovation on emerging media markets. Specifically, papers should shed light on how innovation and entrepreneurship activities more generally create new opportunities for large and global companies and small media enterprises to enter and act in emerging markets. This special issue seeks theoretical, analytic, critical, empirical, and comparative submissions that specifically discuss, but are not limited to, the following topics:

  • Entrepreneurship in digital and traditional media
  • Innovation in media industries
  • Theoretical and methodological approaches of studying emerging media markets
  • Media competition and economics of media markets
  • Opportunity identification and exploitation
  • Challenges in international media cooperation
  • Globalization and media consumer cultures
  • Social aspects of media and communication technologies
  • Entertainment and creative markets
  • Regulation and policy challenges

The Global Media Journal -- Canadian Edition ( welcomes high-quality, original submissions on related topics to the above theme. Authors are strongly encouraged to contribute to the development of communication and media theories, report empirical and analytical research or present case studies, use critical discourses, and/or set out innovative research methodologies. The Journal is a bilingual (English and French) open-access online academic refereed publication that aims to advance research and understanding of communication and media in Canada and around the globe.

Deadline: March 15th, 2017

Submissions: Papers (5,000 to 7,500 words), review articles of more than one book (2,500 to 3,000 words), and book reviews (1,000 to 1,200 words).

Method: All manuscripts must be submitted electronically as Word Document attachments, directly to Dr. Datis Khajeheian (

Guidelines: Available at:

Decision:  April 30th, 2017

Publication: June 15th, 2017


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