Table of Contents

Main Section

Editorial - Global Diversity of Distance Education HTML PDF
Peter S. Cookson Article 2.1.1
USQ: An e-University for an e-World HTML PDF
James C Taylor, Peter Swannell Article 2.1.2
The Technological Consolidation of UNED in Spain HTML PDF
Lorenzo Garcia Aretio Article 2.1.3
Issues and Challenges of Providing Online Inservice Teacher Training: Korea's experience HTML PDF
Insung Jung Article 2.1.4
Interactive Television in Schools: An Australian Study of the Tensions of Educational Technology and Change HTML PDF
Terry Evans, Elizabeth Stacey, Karen Tregenza Article 2.1.5
Learning Objects: Resources For Distance Education Worldwide HTML PDF
Stephen Downes Article 2.1.6
A Critique Of Stephen Downes' Article, "Learning Objects": A Middle Eastern Perspective HTML PDF
Osama Shata Article 2.1.7
A Critique of Stephen Downes' "Learning Objects": A Chinese Perspective HTML PDF
Fuhua (Oscar) Lin Article 2.1.8
A Critique of Stephen Downes' Article, "Learning Objects": A Perspective from Bahrain HTML PDF
Muain Jamlan Article 2.1.9
Patterns of Interaction in a Computer Conference Transcript HTML PDF
Patrick J. Fahy, Gail Crawford, Mohamed Ally Article 2.1.10

Research Notes

A Virtual Community for Adults with Developmental Disabilities and their Families HTML PDF
Susan D. Moisey
Summary of a Case Study of a Knowledge-based Organization HTML PDF
Phillip Lillies
A Case Study in Planning Online Interaction HTML PDF
L. A. Murphy

Book Notes

Book Review - Leadership for 21st Century Learning: Global Perspectives from Educational Innovators, edited by Colin Latchem and Donald E. Hanna HTML PDF
Don Olcott, Jr.
Book Review - Learning and Teaching in Distance Education: Analyses and Interpretations from an International Perspective HTML PDF
P. R. Ramanujam

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 2, Number 1 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831