Table of Contents


Editorial: Volume 12, Number 6 HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Terry Anderson i-v

Research Articles

The importance of interaction for academic success in online courses with hearing, deaf, and hard-of-hearing students HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Gary L Long, Carol Marchetti, Richard Fasse 1-19
Examining motivation in online distance learning environments: Complex, multifaceted and situation-dependent HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Maggie Hartnett, Alison St. George, Jon Dron 20-38
Factors that impact student usage of the learning management system in Qatari schools HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Ramzi Nasser, Maha Cherif, Michael Romanowski 39-62
Quality assurance in Asian distance education: Diverse approaches and common culture HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Insung Jung, Tat Meng Wong, Chen Li, Sanjaa Baigaltugs, Tian Belawati 63-83
Literacy at a distance in multilingual contexts: Issues and challenges HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Christine I Ofulue 84-101
Distance students’ readiness for social media and collaboration HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Bruno Poellhuber, Terry Anderson 102-125
Applying the community of inquiry framework to an online professional practice doctoral program HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Swapna Kumar, Kara Dawson, Erik W Black, Catherine Cavanaugh, Christopher D Sessums 126-142
Applying constructionist principles to online teacher professional development HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Nathaniel Mark Ostashewski, Doug Reid, Susan Moisey 143-156
ODL and the impact of digital divide on information access in Botswana HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Olugbade Oladokun, Lenrie Aina 157-177
Increased technology provision and learning: Giving more for nothing? HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Emmanuelle Quillerou 178-197

Book Notes

Book review - The perfect online course: Best practices for designing and teaching HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Marta Ruiz-Corbella 198-201
Book review - Web 2.0-based e-learning: Applying social informatics for tertiary teaching HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Juan Leon 202-205
Book review - Learning with digital games: A practical guide to engaging students in higher education HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Maja Pivec 206-208
Book review - Bridging the knowledge divide: Educational technology for development HTML PDF MP3 EPUB
Aminudin Zuhairi 209-211

Full Issue

IRRODL Volume 12, Number 6 PDF

ISSN: 1492-3831