Online Distance Teaching of Undergraduate Finance: A case for Musashi University and Konan University, Japan

Keiichi Kubota, Kiyoshi Fujikawa


We implemented a synchronous distance course entitled: Introductory Finance designed for undergraduate students. This course was held between two Japanese universities. Stable Internet connections allowing minimum delay and minimum interruptions of the audio-video streaming signals were used. Students were equipped with their own PCs with pre-loaded learning materials and Microsoft Excel exercises. These accompanying course and exercise materials helped students comprehend the mathematical equations and statistical numerical exercises that are indispensable to learning Introductory Finance effectively. The general tendency for students, not to raise questions during the class hours in Japan, however, was found to be a big obstacle. As such, motivational devices are needed and should ideally be combined to promote interaction between the e-classrooms.


Distance learning; online teaching; wide range LAN; e-Japan; Microsoft Excel exercises

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ISSN: 1492-3831