Vol 13, No 2 (1998)

Table of Contents

From the Editor

Editorial HTML
France Henri i-iii

Research Articles

Participation and Critical Thinking in Online University Distance Education HTML
Mark Bullen 1-32
Virtual Schooling At The Middle Grades: A Case Study HTML
C. Del Litke 33-50
A Path Analysis Of The Concepts In Moore’s Theory Of Transactional Distance In A Videoconferencing Learning Environment HTML
Yau-Jane Chen, Fern K. Willits 51-65


Reflections on the Productivity Paradox and Distance Education Technology HTML
Pat Fahy 66-73


Distance Education for Traditional Universities: Part-Time Professional Learning HTML
D. Randy Garrison 74--78
New Journals in Distance Education HTML
Margaret Haughey 79-80

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License.