Table of Contents
From the Editor
Editorial / Éditorial | PDF HTML |
Mark Bullen | i-iv |
Research Articles
Une intervention sur la motivation dans des cours à distance | PDF HTML |
Martin Maltais, André-Jacques Déschênes | 1-24 |
La conception d'un programme motivationnel destiné au cycle supérieur en formation à distance | PDF HTML |
Nicole Racette | 25-50 |
The Effectiveness of Online Paired Mentoring for Beginning Science and Mathematics Teachers | PDF HTML |
Linda Simonsen, Jennifer Luebeck, Lawrence Bice | 51-68 |
Student Perceptions of Groupwork in an Online Course: Benefits and Challenges | PDF HTML |
Myung Hwa Koh, Janette R. Hill | 69-92 |
Implications of Online and Blended Learning for the Conceptual Development and Practice of Distance Education | PDF HTML |
Randy Garrison | 93-104 |
Distance Education in the Digital Age: Common Misconceptions and Challenging Tasks | PDF HTML |
Sarah Guri-Rosenblit | 105-122 |
A Response to the Review of the Community of Inquiry Framework | PDF HTML |
Zehra Akyol, J. Ben Arbaugh, Marti Cleveland-Innes, D. Randy Garrison, Phil Ice, Jennifer C. Richardson, Karen Swan | 123-136 |
Interprofessional Collaboration and Culturally-safe Aboriginal Health Care | PDF HTML |
Ellen Rukholm, Lorraine Carter, Denise Newton-Mathur | 137-146 |
PocketSnips: Health Education, Technology, and Teamwork | PDF HTML |
PocketSnips Team, | 147-156 |
Book Reviews
E-learning Research | PDF HTML |
Martha Burkle | 157-160 |
Distance Learning in Higher Education | PDF HTML |
Bettina Brockerhoff-Macdonald | 161-162 |
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