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Issue Title
Vol 18 (1998) Introduction Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 16-17 (1996-1997) Introduction Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 15 (1995): Récits de vie et vision collective au Canada français / Life stories and collective identity in French Canada Introduction Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 1 (1975-76) Introduction Details   PDF
Léo La Clare
Special Issue: Making Educational Oral Histories in the 21st Century Introduction – Making Educational Oral Histories in the 21st Century Details   PDF
Nicholas Ng-A-Fook, Sharon Anne Cook, Marie Ainsworth
Vol 31 (2011) Introduction to the Review Forum on Alessandro Portelli’s They Say in Harlan County Details   PDF
Alexander Freund
Vol 16-17 (1996-1997) Irish Famine Stories in the Ottawa Valley Details   PDF
Michael McBane
Vol 14 (1994) Japanese Occupation of Singapore: Oral Sources Details   PDF
James H. Morrison
Vol 5, No. 1 (1981-1982) Jerry McWilliams, The Preservation and Restoration of Sound Recordings Details   PDF
Denis Gagnon
Vol 18 (1998) Jewish Tradition and Philanthropy in a Canadian Industrial Community Details   PDF
Elizabeth Beaton
Special Issue: Remembering Family, Analyzing Home: Oral History and the Family Just Nostalgic Family Men? Off-the-Job Family Time, Providing, and Oral Histories of Fatherhood in Postwar Canada, 1945-1975 Abstract   PDF
Robert Rutherdale
Vol 31 (2011) Katrina Srigley. Breadwinning Daughters: Young Working Women in a Depression-era City, 1929-1939. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2010. 206 pp. ISBN: 978-1-4426-1003-3. Details   PDF
Joan Sangster
Vol 29 (2009) Kinder über den Holocaust. Frühe Zeugnisse 1944-1948 by Feliks Tych et al. Details   PDF
Alexander Freund
Vol 11 (1991) L'histoire orale et l'archiviste Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 16-17 (1996-1997) L'unité d'histoire orale de Tunisie - ce que la mémoire peut apporter a l'histoire Details   PDF
Habib Kazadghli
Vol 15 (1995): Récits de vie et vision collective au Canada français / Life stories and collective identity in French Canada La génération d'apès-guerre / The Postwar Generation Details   PDF
Anne-Marie Poulin
Vol 11 (1991) La grève de l'amiante entre ses mémoires et l'histoire Details   PDF
Jocelyn Létourneau
Vol 21-22 (2001-2002) La sauvegarde du patrimoine oral canadien par le biais de la numérisation : état de la question Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 16-17 (1996-1997) La transmission du patrimoine culturel familial: nouvelles orientations méthodologiques Details   PDF
Ronald Labelle
Vol 31 (2011) Latin American Oral History Network Details   PDF
Rubén Kotler, Mariana Mastrángelo
Vol 21-22 (2001-2002) Launching Well: The Formative Years of a Police/Social Service Unit Details   PDF
Patricia Skidmore, Jaclyn Hamilton
Vol 4, No 1 (1979) Le cinquième congrès annuel de la Société canadienne d'histoire orale Details   PDF
Bruno Jean
Vol 3, No 1 (1978) Le grève fr 1974 à la CTCUM (par le Comité des Cashiers du RCHTQ) Details   PDF
OHF Editor
Vol 1 (1975-76) Le patrimoine sonore de la radio québécoise: Une recherche personelle Details   PDF
Pierre Pagé
Vol 5, No. 1 (1981-1982) Le project d'histoire orale de l'Institut franco-ontarien Details   PDF
Gaétan Gervais, Serge Dignard
201 - 225 of 426 Items << < 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 > >> 

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