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Issue Title
Vol 28 (2008) Editorial Note to Volumes 27-28 (2007-8) Details   PDF
Alexander Freund, Nolan Reilly
Special Issue: Making Educational Oral Histories in the 21st Century Education as the Organizing Principle Behind the Oral History Program at the Chemical Heritage Foundation Abstract   PDF
Hilary Domush, Sarah Hunter-Lascoskie
Special Issue: Making Educational Oral Histories in the 21st Century Education for Identity A Half Century History of Westgate Mennonite Collegiate Abstract   PDF
Janis Thiessen
Vol 23 (2003) Education in Rural Communities -- Schools and Beyond Details   PDF
Aniko Varpalotai
Vol 29 (2009) Ethical Problems in Research Involving Contemporary Witnesses Abstract   PDF
Almut Leh
Vol 12 (1992) Ethics: Guidelines for Research with Human Subjects Details   PDF
Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada
Vol 7 (1984): Proceedings of the 1984 COHA Conference (Part I) Ethnic Voices above the Atlantic Roar Details   PDF
James Morrison
Vol 16-17 (1996-1997) Experiences of Migration, Settlement and Work Among Filipino Domestic Workers Details   PDF
Catherine J. Fillmore
Special Issue/Edición Especial: Oral History in Latin America/Historia Oral en América Latina Experiencing Labour and Homosexuality in a Small City: For an Oral History of Gay Otherness in Small-City Brazil
Cidade, trabalho e homossexualidade vividos: por uma história oral da alteridade gayem pequenas cidades no Brasil
Abstract   Eng   Ptg
Robson Laverdi
Special Issue: Making Educational Oral Histories in the 21st Century Exploring Oral History Methodology as a Culturally Responsive Way to Support the Writing Development of Secondary English Language Learners Abstract   PDF
M. Kristiina Montero, Maria A. Rossi
Vol 30 (2010) Family and Community Life in Northeastern Ontario: The Interwar Years by Noël Details   PDF
Shannon Stettner
Special Issue: Remembering Family, Analyzing Home: Oral History and the Family Family Puzzles: Pictures of My Mother’s Life, Pieces of Myself Abstract   PDF
Lainie Jones
Vol 2 (1976-77) Family Studies a an Approach to Oral History Details   PDF
Laurel Doucette
Vol 4, No 1 (1979) Fifth Annual Canadian Oral History Association Conference Details   PDF
Gary K. Hughes
Special Issue: Talking Green: Oral History and Environmental History First Encounters: 1970s Back-to-the-land, Cape Breton, NS and Denman, Hornby and Lasqueti Islands, BC Details   PDF
Sharon Weaver
Vol 19-20 (1999-2000) Flora Beardy and Robert Coutts, Voices from James Bay: Cree Stories from York Factory Details   PDF
Miriam McNab
Vol 30 (2010) Following Nimishoomis: The Trout Lake History of Dedibaayaanimanook Sarah Keesick Olsen by Helen Agger Details   PDF
Robin Jarvis Brownlie
Vol 8 (1985): Proceedings of the 1984 COHA Conference (Part II) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Jocelyn McKillop
Vol 7 (1984): Proceedings of the 1984 COHA Conference (Part I) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Jocelyn McKillop
Vol 2 (1976-77) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Léo La Clare
Vol 3, No 1 (1978) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Léo La Clare
Vol 3, No 2 (1978) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Léo La Clare
Vol 4, No 1 (1979) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Richard Lochead
Vol 4, No 2 (1980) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Richard Lochead
Vol 5, No. 1 (1981-1982) Foreword / Avant-propos Details   PDF
Richard Lochead
126 - 150 of 426 Items << < 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 > >> 

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